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Located on the heart of Elma Street, our boutique is a beautiful space where multiple businesses support, complement, and lift each other up. The beauty and fashion industry has always been the forefront of modernization, development, and improvement, and we are combining our passions to create one amazing space to serve YOU. BLISS is a space that women in any area of business could have a beautiful space to work from, without the commitment of monthly & yearly contracts.



RENT BLISS!  We are pleased to offer, in addition to our regular BLISS services, the BLISS Room.  The BLISS room is an Alberta Health Services certified, ready to rent room that serves your needs as an entrepreneur, to take your business to the next level of success! Is BLISS for you? CONTACT US to schedule your rental!

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Founded on BIG dreams, high hopes, & never believing in failure, BLISS was born from a passion to provide more for local entrepreneurs. Home to nine female owned businesses & The BLISS Room: an Alberta Health Services certified daily room rental, BLISS is a collaborative space for women in business to run their business, and lift each other up. Unique in that our space is universal to anyone in any business, our goal is to provide a beautiful shared space for your business to flourish.


With first hand experience dealing with the high cost of room rentals in Okotoks & area, and meeting SO many incredible women with awesome side hustles, we were determined to provide a space that women could utilize to help their business grow. The BLISS Room is a 120 sq foot beautiful space that is available to rent on a permanent daily term, or one time basis. Located at the heart of Elma Street, you’re not only operating your passion from a gorgeous space, but being surrounded by like minded women who are motivated to lifting one another up, and helping each other succeed in this crazy world of SMALL BUSINESS.


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Shop local.

Love local.



Hi, I’m Brittany, the founder of BLISS! What started as a passion for meeting people, spreading the glow of SunnaTan airbrush tans, and helping people in any way I could, quickly turned into my third baby, BLISS Okotoks. Bliss, meaning Pure joy & and utter contentment, was the only way we could describe what this space actually is. A cooperative place for women in business that come together in a beautiful space, and lift each other up. 


Purchasing Organic Tan Okotoks in early summer 2018, I had a bit of a challenge trying to find the perfect space for what I knew would be the most incredible adventure. Low and behold, I was not alone. Day after day, tan after tan, I would meet the most incredible entrepreneurial women from Okotoks and area who had successful businesses, but nowhere to run them.  From being inspired, hearing their stories, and wanting more for them and myself, BLISS was born.


As a wife, mother, friend, companion, student, teacher, and entrepreneur, I want every woman to have the opportunity to expand their dreams. BLISS is a space where you will be supported, appreciated, and valued on the way up. Dream big, challenge yourself, work heard, and enjoy the process. You GLOW girl! 

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Meet Brittany

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